Monday, July 30, 2007

Random Thoughts

With the birth my first niece, Zoya, my blog is filled with her stories and pictures. She is such a cutie pie. I have to look at her and hold her in my arms as many times as possible every single day. Zoya is now 6-day old and the more I look at her, the more I am in love with her. By just being there with Janice for the past week, giving birth is way way way more difficult than what I thought and taking care of the baby is also way way way beyond what I expected. The whole birth thing really made me to appreciate all the moms more. Today is my first day back to work after four-week summer vacation. It's a little tiring and I need a few days to adjust to the fact that I have to get up early to go to work. heehee. We spent a lot of time chatting and sharing our life stories that happened during our time off. They are all very happy for me as I shared my engagement story.

We had the opportunity to hang out with Wendy and Jack last Saturday. It felt like summer time again. Four of us went to OC fair and the traffic was pretty bad; it took us forever to get in. It was so much food to enjoy and so many games to play. Woo, we had BBQ chicken and fajita, roasted sweet corn, corn dog, lemonade, funnel cake with strawberries and whipped cream on top! yum! Sweet corn and funnel cake are definitely the best. Here are the prizes we got and you don't want to know how much we'd spent. hahahaha.... =P
Happy Belated Birthday to my flower girl, Josephine. We actually celebrated her birthday already but I'd like to wish her happy birthday one more time here since she is going to play an important role on our big day! hahaha =P The theme this year was princesses! She is in love with all the Disney princess characters. I'm glad she enjoyed all the girly gift we got for her!
This photo is taken by photographer uncle Jeremy. I'm using it without permission but thanks in advance!!
Josephine used to have crazy hair when she was little. This picture was taken on May, 2005.
This was Josephine's 2-year old birthday party, still remembered that hot summer day last year. Look at her sweating...
These are my favorites! Josephine is old enough to know about the whole wedding stuff. She wanted the Disney princesses to be her bridesmaids by that time.
We love you Josephine! Stay sweet and cute! =)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

小威威: 哭聲篇

因為昨天的漫長, 而感覺今天過得很快
又狂拍我那可愛的小姪女 在這裡跟大家分享一張小威威哭哭的照片

我趁她不在家, 部落格沒運作就在她的部落格上擅自撒野
來自世界各地, 好像每時每刻都有讀者在線上
才一天, 我就可以感受到這種寫部落格的"癮", 哈哈哈哈~
很多的留言回應, 有一些是我認識的
有一些我認識卻從未見過面, 有一些人我聽威嫂說過
有的我根本不知道是誰, 有的好像是第一次留言的
無論如何, 謝謝你們每個人為小威威的祝福和為威嫂加油!

新生命的誕生: 小威威 Zoya (Part III)

昨天寫到凌晨四點多, 可是因為真的太累了所以先去睡了

安靜的病房內威嫂, 威爺, 和馬麻都睡著了
看著時鐘, baby到底什麼時候才會生ㄋ?
耶! 是我"未婚夫"威任打來的(突然發現"威"這個字出現的頻率很高ㄟ)
因為他沒辦法進到病房內, 馬麻就叫我先和他去吃晚飯
那時, 開了四指....

威爺很喜歡吃糖果, 所以買了糖果來鼓勵他繼續熬到晚上
回到醫院後我把東西拿到病房, 接著我和威任就到waiting room
去做什麼呢? 當然就是去"等等等等等等...."囉~

Waiting room裏有一大面窗戶, 可以看到整個nursery育嬰室
聊聊聊....等等等....我的體力也感覺快到了極限: 我想睡了
我們在醫院大廳坐了一下, 等咖啡喝完我們的精神也來了

這時, 我突然想去病房看一下威嫂
沒想到一進到病房, 原本的房間已看起來像是產房般
就這樣, 生孩子就這樣開始了......

頓時覺得很緊急, 想說外面大家還不知道現在就要生ㄌ
威任再通知還在途中的Ruth和Robert, 還有才剛去車上睡覺的把拔
就這樣的, 突然成了拍攝珍貴生產鏡頭的攝影師

其實, 我看了一下決定還是專心注意攝影的鏡頭就好
這樣push了好幾次, 威嫂也快沒力了
突然醫生說擠帶繞頸, 因為他一要拉出來的時候baby的心跳就下降
醫生說這樣不行, 需要用吸的
我呢, 不敢直接看, 只有繼續注意攝影機有沒有對準整個畫面

聽到"啵"的一聲, 血濺了出來, baby還沒出來
過一下下又聽到一樣"啵"的一聲, 還是一樣baby還沒出來
這時更緊張了, 我看到好多好多的血濺出來
我好怕她就這樣昏過去, 我知道她已經沒有力氣了
我已經覺得我整個人在發抖了, 轉身看到原本站著的馬麻已經坐在椅子上
我不停的呼求神, 求祂賜下力量, 用祂的大能覆蓋保守
神阿~求祢幫助我們, 彰顯祢自己的作為
就這樣, baby的頭出來, 咕嚕的整個就生出來了
頓時我整個人都快哭出來了, 生產的煎熬和生命的喜悅
哈利路亞! 感謝還是感謝.......還是得繼續拍

看著威嫂, 言語無法形容她所經歷的
看著baby, 言語無法形容對神的奇妙可畏的讚嘆
好可愛的小寶貝, 長的跟威爺一個模樣
威爺說還好沒長的像馬麻, 不然就會跟欣妮阿姨很像
好樣的, 馬上忘了剛剛是誰在幫忙錄影照相...哈哈哈哈
小寶貝的眼睛一下下就張開了, 很靈活的東張西望的
接著等醫生都弄好, 所有的人都可以進來看威爺威嫂和可愛的新生兒
新生命的誕生: 小威威 Zoya
Birthdate: 7.24.2007 10:35PM
Weight: 6 lbs. 5.6 oz (2880 grams)
Length: 19 1/2 inches

我有的是自己的相機拍的幾張, 不過先和大家分享

威嫂, 小威威, 欣妮阿姨和威任叔叔
更巧的是, 7.24是我們家布朗尼Brownie的生日喔!
講到這, 忘了布朗尼沒有到醫院! 哈哈哈哈哈!

祂, 就是生命的源頭~

新生命的誕生: 小威威 Zoya (Part II)

我拿了威爺的枕頭, 充電器, 哈利波特的書和一條毛毯跟一些零食

一進到病房, 看到威嫂戴個氧氣罩把我嚇了一跳
不只這樣, 還裝了尿管和多了一個點滴
我想, 看到這畫面只能用"心疼"這兩個字來形容
威嫂還是昏昏沉沉的, 還有點在發抖
我們幫她加了件毯子, 也在她嘴巴裏放了個冰塊止渴
才過一下子, 護士又進來了
接著, 護士說要在產道放一個測陣痛壓力的儀器
威爺也已在椅子上睡著了, 馬麻也在旁邊的沙發床睡著了
我想他們都累了, 從凌晨一直陪伴到傍晚, 我看著他們三個, 辛苦你們ㄌ~

新生命的誕生: 小威威 Zoya (Part I)

今天是很漫長的一天, 也是我一生當中相當震撼的一天
我想很多的人跟我一樣, 從威嫂懷孕開始就一路陪著她成長
雖然我很少叫我姊"威嫂", 不過我想為了她成千上萬的部落格朋友們

現在已經凌晨三點十分, 24小時前的這個時候就是故事的開始
睡覺睡到一半突然手機響了, 竟然是威嫂
她說"我羊水破了, 剛剛打電話給醫生, 現在要去醫院了!"
雖然我只在樓上, 但還是用衝的衝到樓下去
威嫂看起來很鎮定, 很興奮, 也很好看(根本就是有打扮過的感覺~)
威爺也大包小包的準備好一起出發, 感覺要去遠足一樣

想說等下也要趕快去醫院, 深怕錯過看到小威威剛出生的樣子
馬上叫醒Ruth, 她一聽到威嫂要生, 馬上從床上跳起來
一點也不誇張, 她真的是用跳的
把拔說現在還先不用去, 威嫂才在做檢查, 要我們先睡覺
趕快衝下樓去, 把拔說威嫂的陣痛已經開始了.....
我決定, 九點從家裏出發往醫院前進!!!!!!!!!!

一直等到護士通融, 我才終於進了那扇門
好高興阿~ 看到馬麻威爺和威嫂
威嫂打著點滴, 還有手上量血壓的東西
砰砰砰砰的, baby的心跳很快也很大聲
我們照了照相, 也似乎看見威嫂的臉越變越沉重
她說"好痛喔~" 就這樣陣痛來來去去的....
可以看的出她越來越痛, 開始冒冷汗, 也說不出話來了
那時候, 只開了兩指
護士又來看威嫂, 決定在點滴裏加上止痛劑
威嫂一下就說昏昏沉沉的, 然後就睡著了
後來顏醫生進來了, 他來看看威嫂
更令人感動的是, 他還為威嫂祝福禱告
顏醫生說, 應該晚上才會生
蝦米! 都熬了十個多小時了還要等到晚上.....
趁著威嫂睡著, 馬麻和我就先回家拿一些東西並準備威嫂生產後的晚餐

Monday, July 23, 2007

San Diego Trip: Day One

Last weekend was definitely very special to us. We had a 3-day trip to San Diego and it was a blast. Perfect weather, beautiful scenery, delicious foods, great place to stay, and many surprises and favors. I am going to recap this memorable trip and share with you all.

Hello San Diego!
We got to SD in the late afternoon and we stayed in downtown area next to the Seaport Village. This is the lovely view from the hotel room, half city and half harbor. I could just sit there and enjoy the view both in the morning and at night.
There is a historic Gaslamp Quarter nearby, about 10-min walking distance from the hotel. It's a street with lots of restaurants and shops.
We had our dinner at Lou & Mickey's. We had clam chowder, crab cake, BBQ shrimps, and egg fettuccine with chicken. Their foods are excellent.
After dinner, we walked around the shops and headed toward the direction to a dessert place where we'd been looking forward to before the dinner. We looked at the map thinking it'd be easy to get there. From the crowded Gaslamp, we walked and walked...and we made a turn. As we continued to walk, we then realized that no one was on the same street except us! The street was dark and quiet, and we were passing by the courthouse, bail bonds offices, and other big buildings. It was actually farther than we thought. Finally, we made it to our final stop, "Extraordinary Desserts."
If you browse its website, you'd probably drool. Everything looks so creative and irresistible. There was a wait when we got there. We had a hard time deciding on what to eat. We then ordered two drinks and one "Danish Parisienne Guava." We were a little disappointed; their drinks and dessert were not as good as we expected.
We took out our map and decided to go back from the same street since it's the fastest way to go straight back to the hotel. We walked as fast as possible and on the way back we even saw homeless in sleeping bags on the street. We were getting more and more anxious about our safety. Will was picking up his walking speed and I felt like I was flying, trying to catch up his big and fast steps. Man, my feet got painful and we were all sweating. I don't know how many miles we'd walked that night...When we got back to the hotel, we were totally tired...exhausted. My shoes had given me blisters on both of my feet! errrr...
I loved the view from our window, so pretty. What an adventurous night.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Happy Thursday!

I've never seen so many comments on my blog before!! Some of you also congratulated us through emails, msn, text messages, phone calls, blogs or in persons. We're very happy to share the joy with all of you. I want to take this moment to say THANK YOU! We really appreciate your blessings and love!!! Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we start planning our wedding day. =)

I realized that I no longer have a boyfriend. He is now my "fiance." I found myself trying to use this word "fiance" more often. It's a new vocabulary that I can apply to myself and I actually own one. hahaha =P From friend to boyfriend, from boyfriend to fiance, the opportunity to call him as my fiance won't last too long so I better use it more before he becomes my husband.

So, what's next after he proposed? Plan our big day. Where to start? Marking the date and finding the location. I bought two bridal magazines yesterday and I hope I would enjoy reading them. If you have any ideas that can help me, please email me. ^__^ Thank you!

Happy Birthday Sherry~

Monday, July 16, 2007

We're Engaged!


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Lovely Day

Today turned out to be a very productive day. Took Janice to her obgyn for check-up this morning and it was packed in the doctor's office. While we were waiting for our turn, a group of pregnant moms came, also with their husbands and relatives. I think they're from one of those Chinese pregnancy care centers (月子中心). It was my first time seeing so many expectant mothers. It was a little hectic in there but the good news is our baby has turned back to the normal position again. I think she is definitely a good swimmer...turning around and around. After the check-up, we headed to New Capital for some early dim-sum. The foods there are good. Yum! For the afternoon, I took a power nap and then tutored for three hours.

Tonight, we did something special. We went to Toyota dealership and we bought a car!!!!! Just kidding...haha =) We just went there to browse around and check out some SUVs and Vans. I got a little dizzy with the smell of the new cars...errrr. Later, we decided to go to "Vanille De Patisserie" to have some desserts and drinks. We have never been there even though we passed by there so many times. Their cakes look pretty cute and all have very fancy names, like "love spell 愛情魔咒"...well, that's the only name I remember now. I didn't bring my camera with me so I took the pictures with my cell phone.

This one is with chocolate flavor...don't remember the name.
This one is Italian mango ice cream. A little too sour and fruity, doesn't have the rich and creamy flavor as I expected.
The last pictures is our favorite out of these three orders. It looks gorgeous but it has a very ordinary name: "New Product 主廚推薦"'s a new product and doesn't have a fancy name yet. hahaha

I am very thankful to have a lovely day like today.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Getting bored...

I am officially on vacation since last Friday. It's great to have days off to relax a bit but I am starting to get bored. I tried to sleep in but it was so hot today that I didn't even want to stay in bed for too long. Got up, took shower, did some laundry and then decided to turn on the AC. Once it's cool in the house, I played some piano, watched some TV, had lunch, and then I played some Wii with Janice. After having fun playing Mario Party, I took a nap. I haven't had the chance to take a nap for a long time..heehee. =) Later after dinner, I went for a walk for 35 minutes from my house to the park. I am glad that I actually exercised, even it's just walking.

What should I do tomorrow?