The Valley of Beracah 比拉迦谷
Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Praise be to the Lord, for He has heard my cry for mercy & showed His wonderful love to me. Sing to the Lord, praise His name; proclaim His salvation day after day. 耶和華以色列的神,是應當稱頌的,從亙古直到永遠。 耶和華是應當稱頌的,因為他聽了我懇求的聲音並向我施展奇妙的慈愛。 要向耶和華歌唱,稱頌祂的名,天天傳揚祂的救恩~
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Home Alone
It's rare to be alone by myself.
Hubby went to play some balls with the guys and now I have couple of hours to myself. I'd decided to continue uploading the photos we took recently. Since we got the big camera and have the love of taking pictures, there're just too many shots. It actually takes so much time and energy to go through all the photos and pick the ones I like. Sometime I just feel that my eyeballs are going to fall out after staring at the computer screen for hours.
The American church celebrated their 10-year anniversary over the weekend. The pastor shared a message about "a decade of faithfulness: Remembering our past and rededicating our future." I immediately thought of my "age." I'm hitting "30" this year! =P My mind just traveled back in time. What had happened during the past 10 years? What God has done in my life over the decade? The sermon just made me think so much, about marriage, families, friends, church, small group, work, God, myself, just all aspects of my life.
Life is interesting, full of surprises and excitement. One thing doesn't change is the love of God. I'm grateful to know that God is with me all through these years. I thank Him for His grace and mercy is sufficient for me through the times of trouble and sorrow. I praise Him for His presence, provision, protection, and all the perfect gifts He has given in my life. =)
So, I just want to say, God, I want to make a commitment to you. I want to rededicate my future to you. To love You and to serve You, and to be like You, more than before.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Wild Chickens
It's common to see people walking their dogs. Last time at the park, we saw people riding horses.
To beat the excitement of seeing wild chickens, yesterday on our way home from Costco, we saw a man walking a "zebra"!!! The man has a rope tied to the neck of the mid-sized zebra, which is probably the size of a donkey. It's just very odd but interesting to see that. Unfortunately, we didn't get the chance to take a picture of it.
More photos to share:
Monday, May 11, 2009
Quick Update
Last time I posted an entry was a week ago. I was going to write about our trip before my memory fades away but the plan just didn't work out. Besides work, we actually went to a Laker game, an angel game, part of the small group, and two Mother's Day celebrations. What's going on with the Lakers?!?! I hope they'll defeat the Rockets so my hubby can still sell his playoff tickets. =)
I'm now currently working on the photos of the events that took place in our lives. Woohoo, it's Monday and I'm thinking about "24", looking forward to the new episode tonight.
Now back to work.
Here are the links to some of our pictures:
Kauai Day 1: Welcome to Kauai
Kauai Day 2: Morning at the beach
Monday, May 04, 2009
Travel Journal
Happy May!
It's hard to believe how time flies by so fast as we step into a brand new month. I think this blog is now becoming more like a travel journal. It took me awhile to finish blogging on our 17-day winter trip to Taiwan and now I have more to write from our recent trip to the island of Kauai. We planned this last minute 5-day getaway to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. Yes, it has been one year! We'd thanked each other for loving/bearing one another for the entire year. =P
It all started with me. One day I just came home from work and simply told hubby that I was taking certain days off. (What a great way for a wife to give her husband the "hint!") We booked everything on Wednesday and left the next morning.
We love Hawaii. We love the natural wonders. We love the laid back island lifestyle. Kauai, the garden island paradise, is treasured for its magnificent scenery and lush rainforest. The mountain in the middle of the island is actually the wettest place on earth. God just loves to water this place to make it so greeny. To me, it's a place for outdoor-lovers like us, JUST KIDDING! For people like us, who don't move or exercise at all, it was quite an experience for us throughout the trip as we tried different activities to challenge our physical abilities/limits.
More to come, stay tuned.....