Friday, October 30, 2009

Couch Potatoes

My hubby loves to watch TV. His whole family loves to watch TV. It's a habit, a lifestyle. I don't think he can live without a TV and I think I'm just becoming like him. We are two big couch potatoes! =P If we are going to calculate the hours we spend on watching TV, then it's obviously too much. Can't imagine the one hour per week entertainment limit for D&G's discipleship class. I don't think we are able to go through that class at all. haha~

Soap opera is extremely dangerous and addicting. 自從上次不眠不休的看完“命中注定我愛你“以後就休息了一陣子. With D's recommendation, hubby decided to watch "痞子英雄“ and of course we watched it together. We finished 24 episodes within 4-5 days if I remembered it correctly. No wonder I was so tired at work those days when we stayed up so late. “痞子英雄“還算不錯的偶像劇, 拍攝手法不錯, 取景都還蠻唯美的. 它是屬於懸疑推理的劇情, 比較不像“命中注定我愛你“那麼多感情戲, 會讓我感動到哭得西哩嘩啦
My favorite genre of movie is suspense/thriller, action, and drama. I love those investigations on crime scenes and murder cases. But I think as I get older, romantic comedies do make me laugh. I was surprised after watching this movie, "Proposal." I didn't have too much expectation when we rented it, but it turned out to be a movie we enjoyed. 第一次覺得romantic comedy會讓我笑得這麼開心, 讓我覺得很溫馨. Therefore, I gave "Proposal" an "A."
With the previous great experience on romantic comedy, we then rented the movie "Management" starred by Jennifer Aniston. To me, Jennifer Aniston is a superstar and I like her movies, such as "The Break-up" & "Marley and Me." But this movie "Management" is a TERRIBLE movie. Can't believe she would even agree to star in this movie after seeing the boring, weird script. Anyway, it's the worst movie of all, definitely giving it a "F."
Yes, we watched another romantic comedy, "Ghost of Girlfriends Past." This one is just an okay movie. Not exciting, not funny, very predictable from the beginning to the end. I rated it a "C" movie.
E.K. recommended us a movie called "Orphan." We've been waiting for it to come out and sure thing we rented it this week. It's a creepy, scary, psycho-demon, high-intense frightening thriller. WARMING: NOT for pregnant women or couples who want to adopt children. The story has a twist that is quite surprising. It earned a "B-" on my list.
This post is like a movie review. It's just my opinion to share. What's next? “福氣又安康“???

Monday, October 19, 2009

another sleepless night.

it's two in the morning and i'm here blogging.
what do people do when they wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

back in the kitchen

For me, cooking is something I enjoy doing. Eating at home is healthier and also cheaper. After moving in to this new place, this is my first "official" homemade meal. The good news is the dishes turned out better than I thought. But the bad news is that the ventilation of this place is extremely terrible. The air just doesn't flow even with the vent on and all the windows open. It's like we really need to put on the oxygen masks to breathe the fresh air.

So, I will stick to my old "healthy-eating" style with just my steamer, oven, and 大同電鍋。

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Birthday Cards

以現今科技的進步, 應該已經很少人在寫信了
我講的是“手寫“, "hand-written"......
肯花時間親手寫, 只能說是很有心......

這次生日收到3張卡片, 親手寫的卡片
一張是老公寫的, 是26號晚上熬到12點鐘老公送給我的
所以這招已經被我識破, 所以卡片才藏在枕頭下就被我找到
內容在這就不多說, 當然是那種看完會決定一生一世愛死他的感動

因為剛搬家, 所以卡片都是寄到我爸媽家
沒想到, 今天晚上又看到第二張卡片!!!!
也是寫得滿滿的, 再次祝我生日快樂~


Friday, October 02, 2009

Meeting the Animals

For kids, visiting the zoo is part of the childhood must-do. We'd been wanting to take Zoya to the zoo for a long time but just couldn't find the right time. We bought this annual membership gift card for Will & Janice for their birthdays early this year and we also got one for ourselves so we can tag along. We found this SD zoo annual membership gift card at VONS and it's a very great deal for two adults for both SD zoo and wild animal park. It also came with two free admissions. That's how Ruth got in for free. So Saturday morning the entire crew came, even the 2-month-old baby Zech. How lucky he is to go to the zoo for the first time at such a young young young age. This the only group shot we had. Baby Zech is actually on the bottom level of the stroller....if you wonder...haha
Bringing two kids is NOT easy at all. Everyone just needs extra patience and slow down our paste and be flexible. The zoo is actually very big and we started our visit on the tour bus to get an idea where the animals are. I had the chance to take a close shot of baby Zech while sitting behind them on the tour bus. You look cute Zech! It was a comfy ride~
Meeting the "real" animals is extremely exciting for little Zoya. She knows a lot of the animals from TV, DVD, and books. We were also super excited and eager to see her reaction when she sees the animals. I think all of us had a blast. Those creatures are just very unique and cute. Here are some of the photos we took. Aren't they lovely?!
This rhino is completely clad in armor. very cool...
This polar bear is taking a sunbath and looks like it's looking directly at my camera!
The koala bears are extremely cute and fluffy. All the koala bears were sleeping when we visited them. I think they sleep 19-20 hours a day. It's so interesting how they just stick themselves between the branches on the trees when they sleep. I think they got really good balance skills! They won't fall off from the trees...
Giraffe is one of Zoya's favorite animals. They're TALL!
The zoo closed early on Saturday due to a fundraise event. We were not able to see the entire zoo so we only saw the major ones we wanted. Yay! Zoya had so much fun and for sure she is such a happy girl.
For the night, we walked to the nearby Gaslamp District for dinner.
This place is not kids friendly. Many were dressed up and ready to party through the night. I didn't see any strollers except ours. We went to this restaurant called "Ocean Room" which is recommended by the hotel concierge. It's located on the busiest street of the district. We had the seafood pasta with lobster sauce.
Today was the last day to be a 29-year-old.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Mini Weekend Getaway

To celebrate my birthday, we had a mini weekend getaway to San Diego. It's always good to take a break and be with each other. The traffic down to south on a Friday was bad but we made it there before the sunset. After checking in the hotel, we took a walk to Seaport Village.
It was just so calm and peaceful with perfect temperature and breeze. It was our Friday date night! Everything just looked so artistic and romantic with the yummy light from sunset.
We had our dinner at Fish Market by the water. We had the patio sitting and the view was stunning.
Their seafood is actually really good. We had clam chowders, grilled fish, and steamed shellfish. The bucket of clams and mussels are steamed with wine, butter, and fresh garlic. We loved it.