Thursday, April 12, 2007

Downtown Disney

Another fun afternoon in March, too long ago to remember the date..heehee. Three of us went to downtown Disney, the neighbor of the happiest place on earth. It's so fun to see a lot of kids there, especially girls dressed in princesses' costumes. There is a store called "Libby Lu" where girls can get makeovers. It is definitely a place girls love to be at, a place for girls dream to be glamorous princesses, dance divas, or celebrities, a place where girls dream can come true. haha...=) We were there watching little girls getting their hair done, nails polished, and putting up make-up and glitter. They got really good business earning big bucks from those parents!! Do we look like pirates? That hat fits perfectly!! Disney store is like a children's heaven. They even have wigs for different princesses! For the picture on the bottom left, we tried to pose like we were having casual conversation on the bench to fit in with that Lego old guy. heehee =)

More photos for Downtown Disney (Click Here)