Butter Fingers
Today, I accidentally dropped a plate in the kitchen while taking the dishes from the dining table to the sink. The plate broke into tons of little pieces. I didn't get hurt, but, I spent some time cleaning and wiping the kitchen floor.
Lesson learned. Don't try to take too many plates at the same time. It's okay to walk a few more times from the dining table to the sink.
Butter fingers. I actually chipped two plates and one mug while washing the dishes since I got married. And today I broke one even before it reached to the sink. A little frustrating. Clumsy? Careless? I'll be extra careful next time when I handle the plates and cups, and I'll start shopping for more plates. haha =)
Here are some photos of the homemade dinners from last week:
Ribeye steak with broccoli
Honey glazed chicken drumsticks with ceasar salad & sweet corn
Ribeye steak with broccoli
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