My spirit. My heart. My body.
One of my new year resolutions for last year was to finish reading the entire Bible once. And I didn't reach my goal. I think it happened the year before last year too. For the past two years, a group of us signed up the GetPassage Bible reading site to follow its reading schedule and to keep each other accountable.
In year 2008, we started from Old Testament and 14 people joined in the beginning of the year, only 2 people actually finished reading the Bible once. Last year, we started with New Testament and with 13 people signed up, also only two people did it at the end. I had an average of 75% completion....errr....but that leaves me some room to improve.
It's just too much distractions and temptations that stop us to be closer to God. It's so easy to watch TV for hours, play games for hours, surf on the web for hours, go shopping for hours, check our facebook for hours, take a nap for hours....but, not to spend some quiet time before the Lord on a daily basis.
So here I am, writing this to remind myself and to encourage you.
Let's draw near to God in a fresh and exciting way.
Let's cultivate a strong and intimate relationship with God and become more like Him.
Let's have a meaningful daily devotional life.
Let's have a deeper and more meaningful faith.
Let's glorify God and uphold His truths.
Let's keep God first in our hearts.
Let's stay spiritually strong.
Let's have a meaningful daily devotional life.
Let's have a deeper and more meaningful faith.
Let's glorify God and uphold His truths.
Let's keep God first in our hearts.
Let's stay spiritually strong.
Let's open our Bibles and have some conversations with Jesus.
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