I guess it's time to BLOG! To start off, Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope all of you had a great time over the thanksgiving break. This Thanksgiving is quite special to me since it's our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. Our Thanksgiving dinner was like a seafood feast. We were stuffed with shrimps, crabs, squid, mussels, fish, clams, corn, the must-have turkey, and the most popular homemade baked yam. I really enjoyed spending time with our family and friends and had lots of fun exercising our muscles with Wiiiiiii. =)

Who killed the turkey?!?!?!?
This year is a year full of blessings. I thank my heavenly father for all the blessings He has given me in my life. Every good and perfect gift is from above and God has truly blessed me so much. Even though there were times when we faced trials and challenges, God watched over us and carried us with Him all the time. His presence is the best present!
Thank you all my dear family, friends, and most of all, my dear husband, for loving me, supporting me, encouraging me, and being there for me.