Sticker Pictures
I remember "many" years ago, the sticker pictures were very popular. It cost around five or six dollars to take the pictures for each machine. I thought its popularity fade as I get older but it's completely the opposite! It's even more popular than ever.
The machines are much bigger and fancier. The price has gone up to 10 dollars! It's extremely expensive! I can't believe it. Kids nowadays are rich! For some machines, there is a mini couch in there where you can take pictures while sitting down or there are two seats with different heights if you like the pose of lying down or bending over (this sounds a little weird...), or there are ones where the background changes automatically. It's very funny when I saw a sign inside one of the machines that says "please remove your shoes when you use the climbing bar."'s quite hilarious when I imagined how people would actually climb up to pose for the photos. haha =)
Helen asked me to take the sticker pictures with her and we went yesterday. I met Helen when I worked at the summer school last year. Then I started to tutor her once a week since last September. It's a very neat experience to work with her and build the tutor-student friendship.

I had fun yesterday. Haven't taken any sticker pictures for a long time and don't know how to pose and be creative. I guess I am beyond the age of pretending to be cute...heehee. I guess girls like to take the sticker pictures because the lighting just makes your skin look perfect in the pictures, even if you have big pores on you. hahaha =P
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