Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mission Accomplished!!!

I was working on a 47-page translation last week. I am the kind of person who tends to put things off; therefore, I was a little stressed out as the deadline approached. To make it fun, I wrote down each page number on the paper and once I finish a page, I would get up and use the red marker to cross out the page number. It's a great way to see how far I need to go to complete everything. It just gives me a sense of accomplishment when all the pages are crossed out!

Still learning how to live a stress-free life and I think this will probably help. I just have to get a big poster and list out my goals and to-do things. Every time I reach my goal or complete a task, I can run to the poster and cross it out or put a big check mark!!! Good idea to start off my new year resolutinos!! haha =P